Metal 10mm V Notch Trowel Parquet and Timber Flooring

Metal 10mm V Notch Trowel Parquet and Timber Flooring

Rubi Rubiflex Notched Trowel (Select Notch Size)

Rubi Rubiflex Notched Trowel (Select Notch Size)

Perfect Level Master T-Lock Wedges (See Options)

As low as £15.54

Perfect Level Master Wedges to use with the T Lock system

Packaging 100, 300 and 1000 pieces

Availability: In stock
Product Code

This leveling system was developed to bring a perfect installation for all surfaces covered with tiles. This system ensures that your tile installation will be leveled on the point tile to tile (each tile is leveled by all tiles around it). It also prevents tiles from warping as your thinset cures. An advantage to using this system is that the process of laying tiles takes less time, as you do not have to level your tiles the traditional way. For those who are uncomfortable around tools, there is a way of achieving perfectly level surfaces with the Perfect Level Master system. Wedges and clips are included as part of this system. This installation method makes it ideal for do-it-yourselfers because it requires no complicated tools. The wedges are precision engineered to be robust and reusable, one size wedge for every clip width.

More Information
Select Part N/A
Select Part N/A
Product Code PLM-Wedges
Power Options N/A
Manufacturer Perfect Level Master