Schluter DILEX-HKU EB Cove Movement Joint

Schluter DILEX HKU Cove Shaped Profile (Select Parts Required)

Schluter DILEX MOP Movement Joint  (See Options)

Schluter DILEX MOP Movement Joint (See Options)

Schluter DILEX KSBT Replacement Inserts (See Options)

As low as £19.75

Schlüter replacement Dilex KSBT inserts. 

  • Length: 2.5m
  • Widths: 20 or 30mm
  • Seven colours available

Also Available is the 11mm wide brushed stainless steel reinforcement section which can be used with the 30mm wide movement joint.

Availability: In stock
Product Code

Schlüter-DILEX-KSBT is a structural movement profile with edge protection, consisting of side anchoring legs of aluminium or stainless steel connected to a 20 mm or 30 mm wide movement zone of soft synthetic rubber.

Schlüter DILEX-KSBT 30/VE reinforcement is a Ushaped profile insert of brushed stainless steel. It is used to enhance optical appeal and reinforces the soft core of the profiles DILEX-KSBT 30. The movement zone of all Schlüter®-DILEX-KSBT profile types consists of highly flexible thermoplastic rubber. This material is highly resistant to chemicals and the chemical stresses typically associated with tile coverings and has been specially treated to resist fungi and bacteria. The insert is resistant to temperatures ranging from -60 °C to +100 °C. Thermoplastic elastomers can be connected by welding if profiles are joined to produce longer lengths.

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Select Part N/A
Power Options 30W (27W max)
Manufacturer Schluter
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